Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Here... Your first FREE Work Shop: "Yes, you have the brains"

Welcome to the |first in dozens of FREE workshops to help job hunters and the people who care for them get ready and land that job.  Check out more blogposts to see what I mean.  In the meantime, enjoy...
Helping people in the Job Hunt, you need to start with one basic... 
how to prove that the Job Hunter has brains?  

This is when I use "Teaching Aliens About (Baseball)"
When I explain about finding your Oz factor, many people get worried and humble.  “George” they say, “I’m not smart at all, how can I tell the employer I have the brains for that job… I will never get hired; I should just go home and eat worms”.  I normally say “Stop!  Really?  Worms?” followed by “if you do not know that you have the brains for the job, you are already as good as fired for a job you have never even applied for.”
Here is a quick way to have the confidence that you have the brains in something you enjoyed learning or had to learn in order to survive. 
Making It Work:
Pretend that I am a Martian come to earth and says to you in whatever accent Martians have “hey, tell me about this baseball you earthlings have.” Or maybe it says “tell me about this thing called makeup” or “tell me some things about music, eh?”
Quickly I ask you to write 12 things you know about baseball (famous players, some of the rules, etc.), makeup (brand names, where/how applied, etc.) or music (styles, singers, instruments, etc.).
 "OK  Not bad, earth person" I laugh the way Martians laugh and say "now write down twelve more (the survival of our planet depends on it, folks.)  Now finally add five more.

Now you have one impressed Martian in front of you saying
“WOW!  You know a lot about baseball/ makeup/ music… you must do that for a living.”
The morals of this story are that
-          if you can learn that much about something that does NOT pay the rent…  think of how you will make yourself learn about things (like operating a cash register, learning a computer program, caring for elderly patients) when it IS for money to pay the rent
-        Now I am back to being earthling George - - It is already inside you, folks.  The other moral is that if you can talk baseball with an alien you can talk about yourself with anyone who today is a stranger and tomorrow may become your employer.   


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