Thursday, July 7, 2016

10th FREE Workshop and video: Making Your Own Bulls Eye

Building Your Own Bull’s-eye
Wow!  Days can be long  out there job hunting.  Much of the discouraging part is that things can seem All-or-nothing. 

Friends and relatives say “did you get the job yet?”  (Sounds like finger nails on a chalkboard sometimes, doesn't it?) Or “did you get the interview...yet?” or that sarcastic neighbor Jack who twists his lip saying
“so you still aren't working yet, ehhh?

You're putting in the hard work and hours of making contacts, but still you have to face Jack
Here is a way to know you are moving forward even on days you don't land the job.  

Right now you have a tiny target that has only this itty-bitty bull’s-eye labeled “got the job”.  Miss that target and you feel like a failure.  Folks, let's just make bigger bulls eyes!
Landing a job is really a series of steps where you progressively move toward that goal of the job
On to the exercise...

Making It Work:
Make a big bull’s-eye covering 1 piece of paper with the center ring saying: “Got the job”.   Now make several concentric rings around it, labeling each a step closer to the Got the Job’ goal.   
Examples include
** Listing potential employers      
** finding name(s) of person(s) at the company who can offer job
** getting past the company 'bulldog'
** meeting or writing to the person(s)
** building a resume tailored to that job
** other steps, fill your ideas here
Now make a list of your top employers, giving each its own one page bull’s-eye with concentric circles and succeeding chores.  Put an “x” (and date it) where you currently stand with each employer and write below it what your next step will be to move closer to that bull’s-eye.

Make plans each day (written plans are best) on moving toward the target center with your employers, noting your progress with new x's (with dates) put on the targets as you move closer to the bull’s-eye. 

And smile when you see Jack, knowing even if you didn't hit the bull’s-eye, you hit the target and are moving closer day by day.

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