Thursday, November 29, 2018

HERE is how to avoid the "cookie cutter resume"

Don't get a "cookie cutter" resume!!  Build a customized, powerful resume with a Pro!

Use the HERO Method to build your brighter future.  Hundreds have used this proven method as they move toward their dreams.

I have been a professional employment counselor for over twenty years helping hundreds land that job!!  I will work with you, finding your hidden strengths and valuable skills employers are looking for and build with you a strong resume and powerful job search plan.

Come see what I mean at:

Using the Powerful, Proven HERO Method, Build a Stronger Resume and Get Pro Employment Help HERE!

If you are with an agency that helps others move toward their dreams in employment, check out the following to gain the benefits of the HERO Method for the people you serve.

Professional Employment Counseling Support for Agencies

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